Convergence is the place where God always seems to find me. That intersection of happenings and thoughts and truth and experience. This is the place where Incarnation is made real to me: in the inter-connectedness of living. Where the book I am reading echos a conversation which replays a natural law. Or a theme of redemption in a novel reminds me of a Biblical principle which I see played out amongst my children. This epitome, this light-bulb moment is always God calling out to me. It is as if he has been trying to get my attention over the course of several days, and then suddenly I see it! And all things echo this great truth, and my eyes have been opened. Lately I have had fewer moments of convergence. It has been months, really. I don't necessarily attribute this to God's silence. I'm sure, theologically speaking, that it has more to do with my own blindness. Yet it still doesn't soften the distance that I feel in my soul. But last week, some things conve...