I promised photos.

There are many things for which to be grateful for, and foremost in my heart is that I feel good!

Aside from tiredness and a sore back, I feel the best I have in about two months, which is really kind of crazy.  Zimrie still has a slight cough, but that seems to be about the only sickness still lingering in our household. Between the flu and sinus infection and stomach virus, there were some days I really wondered if we'd see the end of it. But here we are!

I had a nice weekend of cleaning and laundry and putting up Christmas decorations. Yes, go ahead. Cast your stones. We're celebrating early with Seth's family this year, so up they went. And I, for one, am really happy about it. A little brown recluse was hiding in the box of ornaments. Thankfully Seth saw it and killed it. He said that's what I get for putting up my decorations so early. Hmmph.

So, some things that have been good to my soul these past few weeks:

This kiddo turned 3. 
He ate blue sprinkles to celebrate.

Then Zimrie got a haircut just in time for Halloween. Asher designed his own costume this year. He was a monster, and thankfully he is appeased with my elementary sewing skills.

Jonah was a turtle while we walked around the neighborhood, and then I let made him sleep in his pumpkin outfit.

Using my Pioneer Woman salt and pepper shakers to season my "Penne a la Betsy."

Thankfully I have Kate to take darling photos of our children who will, no doubt, grow up and get married. For now, Jonah and Norah like to hold hands and make baby noises at each other.



This is from back in September at the lake baptism. Perfect weather for a picnic.

The babies born at church in 2015, minus three! This is a lot of babies. They will all be best friends forever. Obviously.

Things that made me happy that I don't have pictures of:
  • Community Camp
  • Make and Take night with Tessa where we left with essential oil goodies. I love using my lavender linen spray and my lavender bath salts. It feels like a luxury.
  • The rummage sale at Ash's preschool. I left with lots of finds, including a Christmas tablecloth, a comfy shirt, wonderful smelling candles, and half of a broken toy that the boys have fought over constantly. Worst nickel I ever spent.
  • Letters from my sister
  • A beautiful card from my cousin
  • Wrestling with the boys on the beanbag
  • Seth's parents are here which means they occupy my children and I get to relish in accomplishing long-lost achievements such as scrubbing my kitchen cabinets. I am totally serious.
  • Our church. I sure love those people.


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