Books and Lists

I'm in the middle of organizing and simplifying the house. It's mostly an annoyance as things are so slow-going with interruptions and whatnot.

My biggest project was sorting through the kids' clothes, and my oh my! I think I have a problem...

I bought three 20 gallon tubs and filled those up right quick. And then I filled up three more big cardboard boxes. And just when I thought I was done, I found four more boxes of baby clothes in the garage! I have size Newborn to size 8! And I have a lot.

The thing is that keeping these clothes has saved me lots of money. It makes sense with three boys to keep everything and use and reuse. And it makes sense to loan them to friends and cousins who are leapfrogged with my boys' sizes. But I think the time has come to part with some things. I feel like giving away baby stuff is just begging to get pregnant. And getting pregnant is not in our future plans. However, I think a trip to the consignment store might have to be risked.

All the organizing makes me want to make lists, clean and simple. So this is something I can easily do. What I Read and What I Want to Read! And also, What Are You Reading in 2016???

My reading list for 2015 didn't quite pan out like I thought. As usual.

I read
Image result for the rosie project
and then I detoured.

Image result for finding calcutta   Image result for the winter sea
   Image result for how to talk so kids will listen    Image result for year of wonders

And then I tried to read
Image result for melanie shankle nobody's cuter than you
 But I just couldn't. It was on the heels of Year of Wonders which was intriguing and well-written and about people living during the plague and in constant crisis and tragedy and when it came down to it, I just didn't care about Melanie and her girlfriends. I felt bad. I hate not finishing a book, it feels like a failure to me. But it was just the wrong time to read it.

Then I read

Image result for walking on water book

Which I was surprised not to have loved with my whole, whole heart. I liked it a lot. And it was good. But I think I would have liked it much better had I read it ten years ago. Again, just the wrong time, I think. I enjoyed her Penguins and Golden Calves much more.

Then 2015 ended and we started a new year, and I started off with nothing new under the sun-- I reread

Image result for traveling mercies

And now I'm on to

Image result for the secret chord

Geraldine Brooks might be one of my new favorite authors.

After this we'll see!

I have on my electronic bookshelf:

Image result for the lemoncholy life of annie aster   Image result for the midwife's revolt  Image result for sentence of marriage

What are you reading? What are your recommendations?


  1. do you have a copy of 'the secret chord'? i'd love to hear how it is!

  2. I have it for you! Just finished it. It was no Year of Wonders. But still good.


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