Some things
Some things that are bringing me joy these days...
Sending this kid off to preschool. He's been waiting all summer to wear his preschool shirt back to preschool. It's a big deal.
And that mohawk--also a big deal.
And Jonah has started laughing. That deep, belly, baby laugh when I kiss his neck or tummy or under his arms. It is the best. If heaven has a soundtrack, I bet it's really good music with interludes of baby laughter.
Everyday I find joy in the love my kids have for each other. The love of brothers.
I love when Ash runs into our room in the morning, all smiles, and says, "Welcome awake, Jonah!"
And when Ash and Zim run to me several times each week and tell me excitedly, "Jonah said his first word! Jonah said, 'Oh' just like we do!" Or "Gah." Or "Ash".
Jonah has only smiled twice during bathtime. Both when Asher was talking to him.
Jonah also tries to sing when you sing to him. It's possibly the cutest thing ever. I love listening to his coos and seeing his flailing arms and legs, so excited, so desperate to communicate. Ash, my non-singer, even sings for Jonah.
Another thing that brings me joy:

I'm telling ya--If you have never had a chocolate chunk cookie from Chick-fil-A, you haven't lived. I could eat them daily and never ever ever ever tire of them.
I just finished this book. It was the first book by Madeleine L'Engle that I've read, and I was very happy reading her wise words.
Seth and I have also undertaken to read the Bible through in a year, together. At first, I was all like, ONE MORE THING?!? But it's a source of joy already. Doing it together and talking about it is refreshing, interesting, enjoyable.
I feel such a hunger for words these days. I feel like I could read all day. (And eat chocolate chunk cookies.)
Today I picked up a book by my long-ago friend, Jacqueline Moulton: The Day I Was Too Afraid To Jump Off the Highdive, and read her poem, Fear of Freedom:
Tear the to-do list up.
go ahead,
the world won't stop spinning.
tell the shopping list to go to hell--
for there is heaven to be had.
you just have to dig it out from
six feet under
of the
should haves,
would haves,
could haves,
need to's
really need to's
dig, dear friend,
for heaven is to be had,
& is awaiting you
in the beauty
of a cold glass of
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