5 Years of Asher
Asher turned 5 today! It's the first birthday that has made me a little bit sad. Turning 5 seems like such a milestone--we survived the newborn stage, staggered through the sleep-deprived baby months, lived to see the end of the hyper-emotional toddler years, and in a while preschool will finish up and he'll be a full-blown kindergartner! It's been so fun (and hard) to watch him grow and learn and change and make mistakes and become who he is today. And it's fun (and hard) to know that he will change even more in the next few years.
Asher is such a thinker and a planner. He understands complicated themes and concepts. We just finished reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe together, and he immediately knew that Aslan was just like Jesus. No explanation needed there.
While both Asher and Zimrie are good at pretending, Zim is more apt to do something like this:
Find a piece of string, pretend it's a snake, and feed it pretend bits of food. Asher will want to have a conversation and ask questions, as in: If God decided to cut the world in half, would the cut be at our house? Could it be at our house? Could it be at our neighbor's house? Would it cut exactly in half?
He's a curious one. Which is good since he's aiming to be a scientist. (And a knight on weekends.)
He took his birthday money to the store yesterday to pick out a toy. When we got there he said, "Okay, here is what I want to do: I want to walk up and down every aisle and see what all there is and then I will make my decision. There is so much here that I can't resist!" (He is his mother's son.)
But resist he did. He was so patient and understanding when I explained over and over again that no, we didn't have enough money for the life-size Ninja Turtle and that, no, he couldn't get that loud, repetitive, noise-making, light-blinking, siren-blaring, (did I mention LOUD?) toy.
He finally settled on buying two little stuffed Octonauts, but as we were leaving I saw the box of Rescue Bots. I knew he hadn't seen them, so I pointed them out. He went over and looked--"Oh, they've got Optimus Prime just like we do! And they have Bumblebee."
"Do you want to get Bumblebee?"
"No. But I want to get him for Zimrie because he loves Bumblebee so much and he always wants one to match his Optimus."
And just like that, he gave me Captain Barnacles and Kwazii and put the Bumblebee in the cart, walked back and picked up a small, stuffed version of the Hulk, and said, "I'm ready! I made my decision."
We were very proud of him. I hope he continues to have a kind, thoughtful, loving heart. Even in a world of hurt.

Asher is such a thinker and a planner. He understands complicated themes and concepts. We just finished reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe together, and he immediately knew that Aslan was just like Jesus. No explanation needed there.
While both Asher and Zimrie are good at pretending, Zim is more apt to do something like this:
Find a piece of string, pretend it's a snake, and feed it pretend bits of food. Asher will want to have a conversation and ask questions, as in: If God decided to cut the world in half, would the cut be at our house? Could it be at our house? Could it be at our neighbor's house? Would it cut exactly in half?
He's a curious one. Which is good since he's aiming to be a scientist. (And a knight on weekends.)
He took his birthday money to the store yesterday to pick out a toy. When we got there he said, "Okay, here is what I want to do: I want to walk up and down every aisle and see what all there is and then I will make my decision. There is so much here that I can't resist!" (He is his mother's son.)
But resist he did. He was so patient and understanding when I explained over and over again that no, we didn't have enough money for the life-size Ninja Turtle and that, no, he couldn't get that loud, repetitive, noise-making, light-blinking, siren-blaring, (did I mention LOUD?) toy.
He finally settled on buying two little stuffed Octonauts, but as we were leaving I saw the box of Rescue Bots. I knew he hadn't seen them, so I pointed them out. He went over and looked--"Oh, they've got Optimus Prime just like we do! And they have Bumblebee."
"Do you want to get Bumblebee?"
"No. But I want to get him for Zimrie because he loves Bumblebee so much and he always wants one to match his Optimus."
And just like that, he gave me Captain Barnacles and Kwazii and put the Bumblebee in the cart, walked back and picked up a small, stuffed version of the Hulk, and said, "I'm ready! I made my decision."
We were very proud of him. I hope he continues to have a kind, thoughtful, loving heart. Even in a world of hurt.

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