Life Lately
Life Lately
Have I mentioned that I'm grateful for my husband? This was my Valentine's Day present from Seth and the boys. Seth had accidentally broken the window pane I had up on my kitchen wall a week earlier. He surprised me with a new one! It says, "She is beautiful, dancing, loved." It's a long story behind those words, but it goes back to before we were dating. It's also what he wrote to me as the dedication of his first book. This made me very happy. Heart eyed-emoji-happy. :)
I do love Valentine's day. The boys made this heart garland.
And my friend Kate gave me this banner since she knows I'm all about the V-day decor. :) (It did not stay in this spot, just fyi.)
Some more things that I've been enjoying:
I have a weakness for embroidered pillowcases. These were in perfect shape, and I love that someone worked hard making them. I snagged them at a bag sale at a thrift store, so they were seriously just pennies.
I found the artwork I did from my Christian worship class in college, when we planned a service for Lent. It was perfect timing. I put these up on Ash Wednesday, and enjoyed looking at them before they fell off the wall in staunch refusal to be held up by tape or sticky tack.
Jonah really likes asparagus. He likes to gnaw on the whole stalk.
Jazz hands!
There was a party for my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. We were unable to go, so we sent them a picture celebrating their 50 years!
Asher turned 5. He got this hat for one of his presents. We went to preschool and he enjoyed his helper day very much! I loved it, too. It was my first time to observe his 4-year old class, and I saw so much development from the 3 year old phase. The kids interacted with each other so much more and I wish I could record every thing they say. They're hilarious.
Jonah thinks he's a man now because he can pull up.
He is pretty cute, if I do say so. :)
These boys, reading books to each other in my bed.
Seth went out of town to a conference and my friend, Katie, came and stayed with me and the boys.
We went to Asher's Preschool Program, and it was so cute. They sang songs and showed us their art projects from the year and had refreshments.
The first day of Spring Break felt so nice. It was our first day at home in awhile, and we had no real responsibilities or goals except to enjoy ourselves. It was a rainy, chilly day, but we made the most of it. We got out the Play-Doh, made Jello, baked muffins, built a fort, and had a picnic lunch inside of it. We watched Curious George Swings Into Spring. And then I let them go outside and play in the rain and the mud. Oh. So. Messy.
But look at those faces. They were happy. :)
The next day, Friday, we had to go grocery shopping and we got the Minion movie for them to watch that night. Saturday I got to get my hair done! I had been waiting many a week to do this.
All this is gone.
I wanted to get a trim and platinum blonde highlights. She cut off quite a bit, but said that my ends were really damaged. (Obv.) Then the stylist next to us came over and said she had accidentally mixed up too much Eggplant Color and did I want some purple in my hair. I said sure! And got excited about having a little contrast.
I've discovered in this process that I am simply not good at selfies.
I've gone back and forth about liking it, as I usually do in the beginning stages of a new cut. I wish that the highlights started up higher on my head, but there's not much I can do about it now. If it's curled, I like it better because it's less noticeable. I wanted a little more blonde, too, but seeing how dried out my hair is now, maybe it's a good thing that I didn't get more. On to the deep conditioning treatments!
I've also finally been enjoying this that Seth got me for Christmas:
I've been coloring while watching House of Cards. :)
I am looking forward to:
Ash starting soccer on Thursday
Holy Week
Planting flowers
Sewing new throw pillows for the couch
Sleeping tonight. (Please, God, please!)
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